Proverbs : 1

Welcome to the Wednesday Group.

Let's start by inviting God a special presence in our time this evening. Also, remember to God those who, because of the current situation, read these notes on their own.

Take a moment to consider God's amazing love for you. Listen to this song - it's longer than usual, but hear it right through - and then make a prayerful response to Him.

Song 'Reckless Love'


The book of Proverbs was mostly written by Solomon. As the title indicates it is a book of wise sayings, but also emphasises practical affairs of life and gives a special place to righteousness and fear of God. 

Solomon, of course, is considered to be one of the wisest men who lived. Without doubt an intellectual and polymath of his day, so much so that other kings and queens sought his company and advice. The intelligent sought out his intelligence.

I suspect that you have a few short sayings which were told to you by your parents or older family members. Now you repeat them and maybe you even hear your children using them too! Proverbs are short pithy phrases which make a comparison or presents antithesis, they reveal cause and effect.

The book covers many subjects but here are a few examples, diligence, proper use of wealth, choice of companions, honesty, laziness, justice, common sense, consideration of the poor, self control.

Having written the above, I then found this introduction to Proverbs which is a great overview...

When you have time, read through the whole book in one reading.

Session 1 - Wisdom

Today, we'll spend some time thinking about wisdom itself. 

Read Proverbs 3:1-12

What is wisdom? What does the dictionary say it is?

Think of people who you know/have known who you consider to be wise. In your eyes, what personal characteristics make these people wise?

In the few verses above there are about a dozen suggestions of things that we ought to be doing or that we should not be doing. Grab a pencil and paper and make your own note of them.

Which of these are you good at and which do you find a struggle? Pick out two or three and ask God to bless you with greater wisdom in these areas. Remember that Solomon asked and he was very blessed.

Discipline is mentioned in Proverbs many times and appears in our last two verses. Here this is not an expression of punishment but of guidance, direction and control. Let's not despise the Lord's discipline.


  • Remember those who have been mentioned in recent church emails. 
  • The current virus scenario will make many people financially poorer. Pray for those who are helping them; remember our own Foodbank and those who are being helped by it. Pray for Briony and Lorraine as they help with this very practical help.
  • It is a fact that many more people are connecting with churches through searching online and finding Christian and church websites for comfort. Pray that God will be revealed through this rise in spiritual interest. Pray for our own church and it's contact influence through the website.
  • At this challenging time, pray for wisdom, for Governments, for leadership in our churches and for ourselves.
"Teach us to number our days,
    that we may gain a heart of wisdom."
      Psalm 90:12